BHU PET LLM 2025 Frequently Asked Questions

This article is a collection of the frequently asked questions about the Banaras Hindu University’s Post Graduate Entrance Test for admissions to the Law School’s LLM program. I.e. the BHU LLM PET.

What is the eligibility for the BHU LLM entrance ?

The basic eligibility for General candidates for admission to the LLM programs at Banaras Hindu University is a three year or five year BCI approved LLB degree with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks.

The minimum aggregate marks requirement is relaxed for various reserved category candidates. In the case of SC/ST candidates, the requirement is a pass in the qualifying exam i.e. LLB.

For OBC and PWD candidates, there is a relaxation of 5% marks in aggregate in the minimum marks in the qualifying examination; i.e. 45% in the aggregate, in the LLB degree.

Further, General, OBC candidates will have to score at least 35% in the LLM PET, SC and ST candidates will have to score at least 25% in the LLM PET to be eligible for admission.

Candidates who are appearing for their qualifying exam i.e. taking their final semester LLB exams or have taken the exams but waiting for their Marks sheets or Provisional Degree Certificates can also apply for the LLM PET and may be granted provisional admission subject to meeting the minimum requirements and submitting all the essential documents by the specified cut-off date.


What is the admission procedure for an LLM at BHU’s law faculty ?

Candidates will have to meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned in the previous question above. The selections will be in the order of merit on the basis of the marks / rank secured in the Entrance Test.

In case of multiple candidates securing similar scores in the LLM PET exam, an inter-se ranking process will be used to decide the selections – higher marks in the qualifying exam, higher marks in the relevant subjects and higher age will be taken into consideration for deciding the preference.

The entire admissions applications process is online and the information and notifications will be published at and


When is the BHU LLM entrance answer key released ?

The preliminary or provisional answer key for the LLM PET exam is usually released three or four weeks after the completion of the exam. Candidates are given an opportunity to challenge the questions and answers.

The candidate’s ranking in the exam is published after the challenges or objections are investigated and the final answer key is published.


How can I challenge the BHU LLM PET answer key ?

Once the provisional answer keys are published, candidates will have a few days to review the keys and raise any challenges or objections through the online portal. The format for raising the objections will be published on the official portal.

Candidates will be required to pay a fee for every objection raised. If the challenge is accepted as valid, the fee will be refunded.


When will BHU LLM PET counselling begin ?

After the final rankings are announced, BHU will announce the list of candidates called for the counselling sessions. The range of ranks, the dates and the time slots are published on the official BHU admissions website.

Candidates may be informed via email and SMS also, but it is highly recommended that applicants should regularly check the official website once the results and rankings are announced.


What are the expected cutoff marks in the BHU LLM ?

The cut-off marks in the BHU LLM PET will change from year to year depending on the complexity of the questions, the quality of the candidates and other factors. Therefore, applicants should not focus much on the cut-off marks. A better indicator would be the category-wise ranking in the PET.

Considering that the number of seats in the LLM courses is relatively consistent and the drop-out percentage is also fairly constant, the counselling cut-off ranks are a good indicator of a an applicant’s probability of getting a confirmed seat.


What is the category-wise BHU LLM cut off ?

The category-wise cutoff ranks in the most recent exam was :

  • GENERAL (M & F) – 209
  • OBC (M & F) – 156
  • SC (M & F) – 66
  • ST (M & F) – 22
  • PC-OH (M & F) – 31
  • BHU – EMPLOYEE (M & F) – 14


How will the BHU LLM admissions cut off change this year ?

In general, the cut-off ranks do not vary significantly year to year. Looking at the most recent year’s counselling data, the numbers are fairly comparable to the previous years. Candidates should focus on their preparation and not worry much about the cut-off marks.


How is LLM in BHU ? Are there any placements for LLM students ?

The Banaras Hindu University is one of the oldest educational institutions in India. The BHU law school was one of the first specialized faculties established in the University. Over the years, BHU has been consistently ranked among the top ten Universities in India. Most recently, BHU has ranked at number three in the NIRF rankings for three years in a row.

As such, the placement data for the LLM programs is not being official published by the University. Many of the LLM grads may already have specific career plans such as academics (NET, PhD etc.), pursuing Judicial Service exams or private practice. Given the smaller batch size for LLM, the number of students seeking placement will be less than that of the LLB batch.

However, the placement details from LLB are a good indication of the type of companies that come to campus and can be tapped by the LLB students also. Several prestigious Law Firms, Independent Senior Lawyers, NGOs and Corporates have been recruiting Interns and Employees from BHU. The same set of recruiters can typically be approached by the LLM placement committee.


When is the BHU PET LLM conducted ? What are the important dates ? What are the dates for the entrance exam ?

The common entrance exam for admissions to the LL.M. (1-year), LL.M.(2 Year) and LL.M. (HRDE) is typically conducted in the month of May every year. The important dates or timelines as as below.

  • BHU PET notification – February / March
  • Commencement of application process – February / March
  • BHU PET Exam Conducted – May
  • Announcement of Results – June
  • Counselling Process – July


How tough is BHU PET for LLM ? Which is the best entrance book ? What is the best way to crack the exam ?

The syllabus for the BHU LLM PET is based on the standard BCI approved LLB syllabus. As such, candidates will not need to study any additional subjects. There may be a few situational questions or questions based on recent legal issues.

Candidates should also understand that the examiners are not likely to include questions from obscure areas of the subjects. By analysing previous question papers, we can identify the areas of the syllabus from which the questions will be sourced. The LawMint BHU LLM Mock test database is built with relevant questions from the important areas of the syllabus.

The best way to prepare for the LLM entrance is to solve as many relevant mock tests as possible. Once you start scoring 85% or higher on a consistent basis, it is a indication that you are familiar with a bulk of the syllabus and you are ready for the actual exam.

If you find yourself unsure about any specific areas of the syllabus, there is plenty of reference material readily available on the net, including the bare acts.


Where can I download BHU LLM entrance exam previous year papers ? Where can I find BHU PET LLM Old Question Papers ?

We have published the entire set of BHU LLM PET previous papers from 2010 till 2018 on The 2019 exam was held in a CBT mode and the paper has not been published by the University.

All the previous question papers are available for download in PDF format through this article :

Is solving the previous year BHU LLM entrance question paper useful for exam preparation ?

The questions from the BHU LLM previous year question papers and their variants are covered in our mock test database. Solving all the 100 mock tests multiple times will ensure that candidates are familiar with a bulk of the important questions.

While 15% ~ 20% of the questions may be new in every exam, many of the questions are usually repeats or variants of important questions covering the key areas of the syllabus. It is highly recommended that candidates should be familiar with the most recent previous question papers.

All the previous question papers are available for download in PDF format through this article :

Where can I see my BHU LLM entrance exam result ?

The BHU LLM PET results are released around a month after the completion of the exam, i.e. the results should be published in the month of June. The results are published on the official website at and a notification may be published at

While candidates may receive email and SMS notifications, they should keep checking the official websites on a regular basis to ensure that they do not miss out on the announcements.


How is the BHU LLM Entrance result declared ?

The results are published on the official website and will be visible only to the registered candidates through their login. Initially, the provisional answer keys are published, allowing candidates to cross-check their answers and raise any objections or challenge any questions or answers.

Once the final answer keys are confirmed, the candidates can see their individual scores and their ranking in the courses and categories they have applied for.

Eventually, BHU will also publish the list of ranks of the candidates called for the counselling under various categories.


What is the BHU LLM entrance syllabus ? Where can I download the detailed syllabus ?

The syllabus for the BHU LLM PET is as below.

  • Jurisprudence
  • Constitutional Law
  • Law of Contracts
  • Law of Torts
  • Law of Crimes
  • Environmental Law
  • Public International Law
  • Indian Evidence Act
  • Family law – Hindu Law and Muslim Law

The complete details of the above mentioned topics and subjects is available at this URL :

BHU LLM PET FAQs Syllabus Previous Year Question Papers Mock Test Series