Uttarakhand Civil Judge Exam GK UK PCS J 2015

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Note : This is not the complete question paper. This post contains only the question headers for reference. The complete papers, with the official answer keys are available for our registered users of LawMint.com practice packs.

# The first law commission of Independent India was established in year :

# Which Judge of the Supreme Court of India gave a dissenting judgement in the recent National Judicial Appointment Commision case ?

# The Constitution of India recognizes International Law under :

# The first State in Independent India which was created on linguistic basis was

# Which Law Officer holds the right to speak in both the Houses of Parliament ?

# In which one of the following decisions, the supreme Court of India has recognised ‘Trans-gender persons’ to be persons of ‘Third gender’?

# Who decides dispute regarding the election of the President of India?

# Which of the following judgements relates to prohibition against causing pollution and discomfort to the public due to smoking at public places ?

# Through which amendment of Constitution of India, Sikkim was included in the Union of India?

# If a person is not a member of either House of Parliament, he cannot be appointed a Minister at the Centre for a period of more than –

# The law declared by the Supreme Court of India is binding upon all subordinate courts within the territory of India but the Supreme Court itself is not bound by its own decision. This was held in –

# The Medical Termination of Pergnancy Act, 1971 was passed as an exception to –

# ‘Acid Attack’ has been made a separate offence in India in year –

# The term of office of the Chief Eletion Commissioner of India is –

# In which of the following cases the supreme Court has recently propounded a right of any unwed mother to obtain birth certificate of her child without disclosing name of the biological father ?

# The decision of the Supreme Court in Sherya Singhal V/s Union of India is famous for –

# On 16th October , 2015 th Supreme Court of India declared the National Judicial Appointment Commision to be unconstitutional for violationg:

# Which one of the following cases was decided by full bench consisting of thirteen judges of Supreme Court?

# Justice(Rtd.) Dalveer Bhandari is presently

# The United Nations Human Rights Council is a subsidiary body of the

# In July 2014, the permanent Court of Arbitration resolved the Maritime Border dispute between

# Which one of the following cases does not relate to de-facto recognition of a State?

# Which of the following may request the International Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion?

# To commemorate established of U.N.O. in year 1945, the United Nations Day is celebrated every year on:

# Judges for the International Court of Justice are elected for a term of –

# The rules of Neutrality were codified in years –

# Who among the followings was the first Human Rights High Commisioner of the United Nations?

# The Principle of Non- Intervention by states has been incorporated in which Article of the United Nations Charter

# A state is admitted to the membership of the United Nations by:

# The Parliament of India passed ‘The Suppression of Unlaw Acts Against Safety of Civil Aviation Act, 1982’ to giv effect to this international convention:

# Judges of the International Court of Justice are elected by:

# Who can expel a state from the membership –

# In which case it was decided that a foreign sovereign living in England incognito is entitled to claim sovereign immunity in court ?

# In which case the Supreme Court has held that enactments included in Schedule IX of the Constitution of India are subject to judicial review?

# Which articles of the United Nations Charter confirm the views of Oppenheim and starke that the UN Charter abolished the law of neutrality?

# Which one of the following decisions affirmed Starke view that ‘Sovereignty is now considered and accepted as both divisible and limitable’?

# The principle of ‘Rebus sic stantibus’ connotes:

# The United Nations has recently proclaimed the following as the International Yoga Day:

# The Constitution (One hudredth Amendment) Act, 2015 relates to:

# Who among the following was not a judge in th Interntional Court of Justice ?

# In which of the following cases did the National Human Rights Commission file a petition in the Supreme Court of India ?

# In which of the following cases the Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court has by a 4:1 majority held that review petitions relating to capital punishment shall be heard in open court ?

# Which of the following languages has been recognised as the second official language of Uttar Pradesh and upheld to be so by a constitution bench decision of the Supreme Court ?

# Which of the following has recently been declared to the unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of India ?

# In which of the following decisions, the supreme court held that constitutional validity of section 19 of the prevention of corruption act but suggested for its restructuring by the parliament ?

# In which of the following decisions, the supreme court of India has issued sixteen guidelines regarding the investigation of any ‘Encounter Death’. ?

# Pursuant to a constitutional amendment, ‘cooperative society ‘ finds a place among fundamental rights in :

# By which Amendment Act, Article 371-J has been incorporated in the constitution of India ?

# Under which article of the constitution , the government of India and the government of a state may sue or be sued by the name of the Union of India and of the State respectively ?

# The provisions in the constitution of India relating to Directive Principles of the state policy has been adopted from:

# The first law commission of Independent India was established in year :

# Which Judge of the Supreme Court of India gave a dissenting judgement in the recent National Judicial Appointment Commision case ?

# The Constitution of India recognizes International Law under :

# The first State in Independent India which was created on linguistic basis was

# Which Law Officer holds the right to speak in both the Houses of Parliament ?

# In which one of the following decisions, the supreme Court of India has recognised ‘Trans-gender persons’ to be persons of ‘Third gender’?

# Who decides dispute regarding the election of the President of India?

# Which of the following judgements relates to prohibition against causing pollution and discomfort to the public due to smoking at public places ?

# Through which amendment of Constitution of India, Sikkim was included in the Union of India?

# If a person is not a member of either House of Parliament, he cannot be appointed a Minister at the Centre for a period of more than –

# The law declared by the Supreme Court of India is binding upon all subordinate courts within the territory of India but the Supreme Court itself is not bound by its own decision. This was held in –

# The Medical Termination of Pergnancy Act, 1971 was passed as an exception to –

# ‘Acid Attack’ has been made a separate offence in India in year –

# The term of office of the Chief Eletion Commissioner of India is –

# In which of the following cases the supreme Court has recently propounded a right of any unwed mother to obtain birth certificate of her child without disclosing name of the biological father ?

# The decision of the Supreme Court in Sherya Singhal V/s Union of India is famous for –

# On 16th October , 2015 th Supreme Court of India declared the National Judicial Appointment Commision to be unconstitutional for violationg:

# Which one of the following cases was decided by full bench consisting of thirteen judges of Supreme Court?

# Justice(Rtd.) Dalveer Bhandari is presently

# The United Nations Human Rights Council is a subsidiary body of the

# In July 2014, the permanent Court of Arbitration resolved the Maritime Border dispute between

# Which one of the following cases does not relate to de-facto recognition of a State?

# Which of the following may request the International Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion?

# To commemorate established of U.N.O. in year 1945, the United Nations Day is celebrated every year on:

# Judges for the International Court of Justice are elected for a term of –

# The rules of Neutrality were codified in years –

# Who among the followings was the first Human Rights High Commisioner of the United Nations?

# The Principle of Non- Intervention by states has been incorporated in which Article of the United Nations Charter

# A state is admitted to the membership of the United Nations by:

# The Parliament of India passed ‘The Suppression of Unlaw Acts Against Safety of Civil Aviation Act, 1982’ to giv effect to this international convention:

# Judges of the International Court of Justice are elected by:

# Who can expel a state from the membership –

# In which case it was decided that a foreign sovereign living in England incognito is entitled to claim sovereign immunity in court ?

# In which case the Supreme Court has held that enactments included in Schedule IX of the Constitution of India are subject to judicial review?

# Which articles of the United Nations Charter confirm the views of Oppenheim and starke that the UN Charter abolished the law of neutrality?

# Which one of the following decisions affirmed Starke view that ‘Sovereignty is now considered and accepted as both divisible and limitable’?

# The principle of ‘Rebus sic stantibus’ connotes:

# The United Nations has recently proclaimed the following as the International Yoga Day:

# The Constitution (One hudredth Amendment) Act, 2015 relates to:

# Who among the following was not a judge in th Interntional Court of Justice ?

# In which of the following cases did the National Human Rights Commission file a petition in the Supreme Court of India ?

# In which of the following cases the Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court has by a 4:1 majority held that review petitions relating to capital punishment shall be heard in open court ?

# Which of the following languages has been recognised as the second official language of Uttar Pradesh and upheld to be so by a constitution bench decision of the Supreme Court ?

# Which of the following has recently been declared to the unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of India ?

# In which of the following decisions, the supreme court held that constitutional validity of section 19 of the prevention of corruption act but suggested for its restructuring by the parliament ?

# In which of the following decisions, the supreme court of India has issued sixteen guidelines regarding the investigation of any ‘Encounter Death’. ?

# Pursuant to a constitutional amendment, ‘cooperative society ‘ finds a place among fundamental rights in :

# By which Amendment Act, Article 371-J has been incorporated in the constitution of India ?

# Under which article of the constitution , the government of India and the government of a state may sue or be sued by the name of the Union of India and of the State respectively ?

# The provisions in the constitution of India relating to Directive Principles of the state policy has been adopted from:

Judicial Service (Judge) Exam - Online Practice Pack - Mock Tests & Previous Papers

We are shortly launching our Online Practice Packs for various State Judicial (Judge) Exams.

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Uttarakhand Civil Judge Exam GK UK PCS J 2015 LawMint.com