Uttar Pradesh Civil Judge Exam UP PCS J 2002

Judicial Service (Judge) Exam - Online Practice Pack - Mock Tests & Previous Papers

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Note : This is not the complete question paper. This post contains only the question headers for reference. The complete papers, with the official answer keys are available for our registered users of LawMint.com online practice packs for the Judicial Services Exam preparation.

# Who amongst the following is an accomplice?

# The case of Pakala Narain Swamy V/s Emperor relates to –

# A confession is inadmissible if it is made by the accused –

# Leading questions may be asked in –

# Extra-judicial confession means a confession made –

# Who amongst the following is not a competent witness?

# Hostile witness means –

# A confession is admissible if it is made by the accused to –

# The case of Kashmira Singh V/s. State of Madhya Pradesh relates to –

# Which one of the following Sections of the Indian Evidence Act has been substituted for the old Section by the Information Technology Act, 2000?

# Which one of the following is primary evidence?

# Character of a person for purposes of the law of evidence is not relevant in one of the following situations –

# Which one of the following is not a public document?

# A witness who is unable to speak gives his evidence in writing in the open court, evid ence so given shall be deemed to be –

# An admission under Section 17 of the Indian Evidence Act is –

# Under Section 57(1) of the Evidence Act, the court shall take judicial notice of –

# Admissions are –

# Which one of the following is a correct statement relating to cross-examination?

# In a cognizable offence a police officer –

# Who amongst the following is not entitled for maintenance under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973?

# The main characteristic of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 is –

# Who can commute the sentence of imprisonment for lite under the Code of Criminal Procedure?

# The power of the Supreme Court to transfer cases and appeals from one High Court to another High Court can be exercised on an application by which one of the following –

# A sentence of Imprisonment for a term often years may be passed by which one of the following?

# A private person may arrest any person who?

# Under which Section of the Code of Criminal Procedure a proclamation for person abscon ding may be issued?

# Which Sections of the Code of Criminal Procedure provide for Trial before a Court of Session?

# Which Section of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides for prosecution for offences against marriage?

# When an accused does not have sufficient means to engage pleader the Sessions Court may assign a pleader for his defence at the expense of the State. It is ensured by which Section of the Cr.P. Code?

# Who among the following is not empowered to tender pardon to accomplice under Section 306 of the Code of Criminal Procedure?

# Which Section of the Cr.P.C. provides that ‘no statement made by any person to a police officer in the course of an investigation shall, if reduced to writing, be signed by the person making it ?’

# Point out incorrect answer – The First Information Report means:

# Point out incorrect answer – Under Section 125(4) Cr.P. Code wife will not be entitled to maintenance allowance if:

# Which Section of the Code of Criminal Procedure authorises a private person to arrest any person committing cognizable offence?

# Point out incorrect answer – The requisites of a valid warrant are:

# An order of life imprisonment may be passed by-

# Object of investigation is –

# Under which Section of Cr.P.C. a Sessions Judge exercises power of appeal?

# Under which Section of the Code of Criminal Procedure an accused person can himself be a competent witness?

# An offence punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding two years relates to –

# A Chief Judicial Magistrate may pass a –

# A conditional order for removal of public nuisance under Section 133 of the Code of Criminal Procedure may be passed,by –

# ‘A’ intentionally fired a shot from his pistol at ‘B’ but it hit ‘C1 and ‘C’ died. The offence committed by ‘A’ is –

# ‘A’ makes a false entry in his electronic record for the purpose of using it as corroborative evidence in the trial court. ‘A’ has –

# A workman throws snow from a roof giving warning. A passer by is killed.The workman Is-

# Which Section of the Indian Penal Code defines ‘sedition’?

# ‘A’ puts his hand in the pocket of ‘B’ for stealing money, but the pocket was empty.

# Which one of the following Sections of the Indian Penal Code deals with vicarious liability?

# Which one of the following is not a correct ingredient of the offence of theft?

# Which one is not an essential ingredient of a crime?

# Common intention means –

# Sexual intercourse by a man with a woman even with her consent is a rape, if she is below the age of –

# Which one of the following is not a punish ment under Section 53 of the Indian Penal Code,1860?

# In which of the following case the right of private defence of body does not extend to causing of death?

# Unlawful Assembly’ has been defined in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 under –

# Which one of the following statements is not correct?

# Attempt to commit robbery is punishable under –

# Which one of the following is not an essential ingredient of the offence of kidnapping under the Indian Penal Code?

# Making preparation to commit dacoity is punishable in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 under

# The case of Gian Kaur V/s State of Punjab in related to –

# In which of the following cases the Supreme Court declared Section 303 of the IP. Code as unconstitutional?

# ‘A’ removes B’s book from his house without his consent with the intention to return it to him if he as a friend rewards him for the return. ‘A’ is liable for –

# ‘A’ incites ‘B’ to beat ‘C’. Subsequently ‘A1 reaches the place where ‘B’ is beating ‘C’. ‘A’ is liable under –

# ‘A’ cheats by pretending to be ‘B’, a person who is deceased, ‘A1 is liable to be punished under –

# In exercise of the right of private defence of property death cannot be caused in the case of-

# In a dark night ‘A’ and ‘B’ were fighting. B’s wife keeping her child on her shoulder reached there for separating them. In the meantime A’s fist fell on the back of the child and the child died ‘A’ is liable for –

# In which of the following offences’Mens rea’ is not an essential ingredient?

# ‘A’beats his wife. She fell down and became unconscious. Believing her to be dead and to save himself from being arrested for murder ‘A’ hanged her in the fan with rope. Postmortem report disclosed her death from hanging, he is liable for –

# The word ‘good faith’ is defined in the Indian Penal Code in –

# ‘A’ is cutting the wood with an axe at a place where children are playing ? The axe files off and kills a nearby child. ‘A’ is liable for –

# Insanity is –

# ‘A’ finds a purse with money, not knowing to whom it belongs; he afterwards discovers that it belongs to ‘B’ and appropriates to his own use. ‘A’ is guilty of –

# Which one of the following Sections of the police Act, 1861 has not been repealed?

# What is the date of enforcement of the Police {U.P. Amendment) Act, 2001 ?

# Which paragraphs of the U.P. Police Regulations deal with the absconding offences?

# Who is the Head of Criminal administration in a District?

# A police constable compels a person to remain in police station on false case of theft and allowing him to go after receiving money from him. He is liable for –

# Under which Section of Police Act additional police force is provided in a district on certain conditions –

# Under which Section of Police Act the State Government is empowered to make Rules and Regulations governing the service conditions of members of Police Force –

# Which Section of Police Act deals with the duties of police officers ?

# Which one of the following Sections of Police Act contains provisions relating to General Diary?

# Regulation of public assemblies and processions and licensing of the same is provided in Police Act, 1861 under –

# Under the U.P. Police Regulations a village chowkidar is responsible to the –

# The power of the District Superintendent of Police to regulate the volume of music on the roads on the occasion of festivals is provided under –

# Under Section 25 of the Police Act, 1861 the charge of unclaimed property is to be take by-

# The statutory powers of the Inspector General of Police under Section 7 of the Police Act, 1861 is subject to –

# Special Police officer under the Police Act 1861 can be appointed by –

Judicial Service (Judge) Exam - Online Practice Pack - Mock Tests & Previous Papers

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Uttar Pradesh Civil Judge Exam UP PCS J 2002 LawMint.com