The Odisha Judicial Service Examination is conducted every year by the Odisha High Court – Cuttack for recruitment to Civil Judge Cadre Posts.
The notification is published on the High Court’s official website at : and / or the website of the Odisha public service commission ( If the exam is conducted by the OPSC ) at Odisha Public Service Commission
Odisha OPSC OJS Judicial Prelims 2025 and 2026 - 155 Mock Tests & Previous Question Papers
- 100 Full Length Mock Tests - with unlimited practice
- 55 Topic wise Mock Tests covering all the topics in the syllabus
- Previous Question Papers - with official answer keys
- Downloadable PDF copies of all bare acts as per syllabus
- Database of over 15000+ MCQs
- Mock Tests designed as per latest syllabus and pattern
- Access valid for one year from date of purchase
- Questions & Answer Choices randomly shuffled in every attempt for better practice
- Accessible 24 x 7 via Smart-Phone browsers, Laptops, Desktops and Tablets

Note about PDF downloads : While there are PDF download versions of the syllabus available on various websites, they are often not accurate or they are out-dated. To ensure that we can update the syllabus as per the latest pattern, we have published the details below as an editable web-article. If you download the PDF syllabus, please verify the accuracy before starting your exam preparation.
Overall Plan of Odisha Judicial Service OJS Civil Judge Exam for 2025 and 2026
Direct recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judges will be through the Odisha Judicial Service Exam consisting of three parts; viz- preliminary written examination, main written examination and Viva-voce interview in the manner provided in the rules and in accordance with the syllabus as specified below :-
OPSC Civil Judge Preliminary Exam Syllabus for 2025 and 2026
The preliminary Exam for 2025 and 2026 will be of one paper carrying 100 marks with duration of one and half hours with objective type questions of multiple choice (i.e. 100 questions of one mark each with negative marks of twenty-five percent of the marks allotted to a question for every wrong answer) on the following subjects and the OMR answer sheets will be scrutinized by computer.
Preliminary Written Examination
(a) Constitution of India;
(b) Code of Civil Procedure;
(c) Code of Criminal Procedure;
(d) Evidence Act;
(e) Indian Penal Code;
(f) Limitation Act;
(g) Transfer of Property Act;
(h) Contract Act;
(i) Law of Succession (Indian Succession Act and Hindu Succession Act);
(j) Specific Relief Act.
N.B.: The Commission shall call the eligible candidates for main written examination who have secured not less than 35 (thirty-five) per-centum of marks in case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates and 40 (forty) per-centum of marks in case of others in the preliminary written examination.
The main written examination shall be on the following two compulsory papers and three optional papers. Each of the compulsory subjects shall carry 150 marks with a duration of 2.5 (two and half) hours and each of the optional subjects shall carry 150 marks with a duration of three hours.
Odisha Judicial Service – Civil Judge – Main Written Exam
(1) Compulsory Papers.
PAPER -1 for 150 marks
General English
(a) Translation and retranslation of ten lines each
(b) A short essay of about 150 words
(c) Precis writing consisting of 300 words
(d) 1 (one) passage of about 500 words with 5 questions
N.B. – For “Translation and retranslation of ten lines each”, there will be two passages, i.e. one in English to be translated into Odia and another in Odia to be retranslated into English.
PAPER – 2 for 150 marks
Procedural Laws-
(a) The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
(b) The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
(c) The Indian Evidence Act, 1872
(2) Optional Papers.
A candidate may choose any three subjects among the following:
(i) Law of Crime & Law of Torts: — 150 Marks
(ii) Personal Law – 150 marks
(a) Hindu Law
(b) Mohammedan Law
(iii) Law of Property – 150 marks
(a) Transfer of property Act, 1882
(b) Specific Relief Act, 1963.
(c) Indian Limitation Act, 1963
(iv) Law of Contract – 150 marks
(a) Indian Contract Act, 1872.
(b) Sales of Goods Act, 1930
(c) Partnership Act, 1932.
(d) Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881
(v) Jurisprudence and Constitution of India – 150 marks
(a) A candidate shall answer the papers in English unless otherwise’ directed.
(b) The standard of papers shall be that of LL.B. course and in respect of compulsory Paper-I, it shall be that of a degree course.
(c) The Commission shall call the candidates for interview who have secured not less than 45 (forty five) per-centum of marks in aggregate and a minimum of 33 (thirty three) per- centum of marks in each paper in the main written examination.
Important :
(a) The candidates are required to select any three Optional Subjects from the drop down box of the online application form submitted for the preliminary written examination, failing which his/her application will be rejected. No correspondence on that score will be entertained.
(b) The optional subjects for the main written examination, mentioned by the candidate in the online application form, will be treated as final. No request for change of optional subject(s) will be entertained.
(c) The candidates shall be allowed to appear at the main written examination with the optional subjects as mentioned in the online application form.
Interview shall carry 100 (one hundred) marks. Questions to be asked in the interview may not ordinarily be outside the syllabus prescribed for the main written examination. In the interview, questions covering broad national and international issues and matters of common interest in the field of Arts and Science may also be asked.
Provided that the names of the candidates shall not be included in the merit list unless such candidates secure a minimum of 40% (forty per-centum) of marks in the Interview.
Keep checking for the latest updates and articles on the best preparation strategy, study material, online courses and mock tests for the 2025 and 2026 Odisha Judicial Service OPSC Civil Judge Exam.
(i) A candidate must not be below 23 (twenty-three) years of age and not above 35 (thirty-five) years of age on the date mentioned in the official notification. Age relaxation shall be as per government rules prescribed for the purpose.
(ii) The maximum age limit shall be relaxed by five years in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, SEBC and women candidates (Refer to the official advertisement of the year for details)
(iii) The maximum age limit in respect of departmental candidates is not more than 39 (thirty-nine) years.
Note : A candidate who comes under more than one category mentioned above shall be eligible for only one upper age relaxation benefit, which shall be considered most beneficial to him/her. The date of birth entered in the high school certificate or equivalent Certificate issued by the concerned board/council will be accepted by the Commission.
(i) A candidate must be a graduate in Law of a University or Institution recognized by the Government.
(ii) A Superintendent or a Ministerial Officer in the High Court or any Civil or Criminal Court sub-ordinate to the High Court or an Assistant Law Officer or Translator of the Law Department of Government, shall also be eligible for appearing at the competitive examination for recruitment to the posts of Civil Judges in Odisha Judicial Service, if he/she is a graduate in Law of a University recognized by the State Government, has approved service in the High Court or in any Civil or Criminal Court sub-ordinate to the High Court or in the Law department of not less than seven years by the last date fixed for submission of online applications for the said competitive examination, has been recommended by the respective appointing authority; and is not more than 39 (thirty nine years) of age on the date mentioned in the official notification.
(i) A candidate must be a citizen of India;
(ii) He/She must be of good character and of sound health and free from any organic defect and physical infirmity.
(iii) He/She must be able to speak, read and write Odia fluently and must have passed an examination in Odia language equivalent to that of Middle English School standard (i.e. Class/Standard-VII) within the last date;
(iv) A person who has more than one spouse living will not be eligible for appointment unless the state government has exempted his/her case from operation of this limitation for any good and sufficient reason;
(v) Government servants, whether permanent or temporary or on probation against a vacancy in permanent/temporary posts in any department of government, are eligible to appear at the examination, provided they possess the requisite qualification and are within the prescribed age limit. However, they are required to submit undertaking to the effect that they have informed in writing to their Head of office/department that they have applied for the examination.
Odisha OPSC OJS Judicial Prelims 2025 and 2026 - 155 Mock Tests & Previous Question Papers
- 100 Full Length Mock Tests - with unlimited practice
- 55 Topic wise Mock Tests covering all the topics in the syllabus
- Previous Question Papers - with official answer keys
- Downloadable PDF copies of all bare acts as per syllabus
- Database of over 15000+ MCQs
- Mock Tests designed as per latest syllabus and pattern
- Access valid for one year from date of purchase
- Questions & Answer Choices randomly shuffled in every attempt for better practice
- Accessible 24 x 7 via Smart-Phone browsers, Laptops, Desktops and Tablets