Maharashtra Judicial Services Exam MPSC JMFC CJJD 2012 Question Paper

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These are questions from the Maharashtra MPSC Judicial Service JMFC / CJJD 2012 preliminary exam previous question paper.

The JMFC – Judicial Magistrate First Class / CJJD – Civil Judge Junior Division exam is conducted almost every year by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission; under the aegis of the Bombay High Court.

Refer to the other articles on for details about the syllabus, eligibility, domicile requirements, mock test series and other preparatory material for the JMFC or CJJD exams.

Check out the complete official syllabus, exam scheme and other important details for the Maharashtra Civil Judge Junior Division Judicial Magistrate First Class Preliminary Examination in this article :

Note : This is not the complete question paper. This post contains only the question headers for reference. The complete papers, with the official answer keys are available for our registered users of online practice packs for the Judicial Services Exam preparation.

1. Summons of Court can be served by

2. Under code of criminal procedure substituted service of summons can be made

3. Under S. 97 of the code of criminal procedure search warrant to find out a person can be issued if

4. U/S 107 of the code of criminal procedure, Executive Magistrate can obtain bond from a person if

5. A divorced wife is entitled to maintenance from her husband

6. Executive Magistrate can put a party in possession of immovable property

7. In a Private Complaint case process can be issued against an accused after

8. Any defect in charge

9. Statement of an accused is recorded

10. The Court on application for plea bargaining by the accused, to satisfy itself that it is made voluntarily

11. “Decree” means

12. “Judgement” means

13. If objection to the jurisdiction of the Court is taken at the hearing of any application for interim relief-the Court shall proceed to

14. Res-judicata means

15. Objection to the territorial jurisdiction of a Court can be allowed if it is raised

16. In case of a decree for the payment of money, the Court can order interest at the rate of

17. Under the inherent powers of the Civil Court, it can pass orders

18. Defendant can claim temporary injunction in a suit filed by the plaintiff

19. The defendant shall present his written statement within days from the service of summons upon him.

20. Where any period is fixed or granted by the Court for doing an act prescribed by the Code of Civil Procedure, the Court may enlarge such period

21. Where a thirty years old document is produced before the Court, it may presume

22. A document can be proved

23. A confessional statement made before police

24. Admission is

25. Admission means

26. A fact is relevant

27. A fact is said to be proved

28. Evidence means and includes

29. Primary evidence of a document means

30. A child born out of valid marriage can be proved to be legitimate child of the husband if it is born within of its dissolution.

31. Which of these cannot be lawfully transferred as per Transfer of Property Act, 1882 ?

32. As per Sec. 6 of Transfer of Property Act, 1882, an easement be transferred apart from the dominant heritage.

33. Which of these is immovable property as per the provisions of Transfer of Property Act, 1882 ?

34. The term “transfer” under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, refers to

35. As per Sec. 9 of Transfer of Property Act, 1882, oral transfers are

36. Under the provision of Transfer of Property Act, the unborn child acquires vested interest

37. The Mortgage, in which without delivering possession of mortgaged property, the mortgagor binds himself personally to pay the mortgage money is known as

38. The gift of future property is

39. The rule of lis Pendens applies when the suit in which right to immovable property

40. Rule against perpetuity prescribes that

41. If a contract comprises an agreement to do an act and also not to do certain acts

42. A suit for recovery of possession based on the previous possession of a person can be filed by such a person even against real owner of that property who has dispossessed him

43. A suit for specific performance of contract for its enforcement can be decreed when

44. A Court may not exercise its discretion to decree specific performance of a contract when

45. A suit for rescission of contract by any person having interest in it, can be decreed in his favour

46. No Court shall declare that the plaintiff is entitled to a right

47. A perpetual injunction is granted to the plaintiff

48. In a suit for perpetual or mandatory injunction

49. In a suit for specific performance of a contract where earnest money is paid by the plaintiff

50. To claim specific performance of a contract, it is

51. Person in occupation of premises is tenant if

52. A landlord shall not be entitled to recovery of possession so long as the tenant

53. A tenant can not be evicted even if he erects a permanent structure

54. Premises let to banks or public sector undertakings having paid up share capital of Rs. are exempted from protection of Maharastra Rent Control Act, 1999.

55. No decree can be passed against a tenant for the requirement of premises for landlord unless

56. A landlord can get possession of premises for its demolition and construction of new building only if

57. A proceeding to recover possession of premises from a licensee is to be filed in

58. If a landlord withholds any essential supply or service to the tenanted premises the tenant can seek remedy by way of

59. Whether appeal against the decision in appeal of appellate bench of Small Causes Court/ District Court would lie before

60. If the landlord fails to keep the premises in good and tenantable repairs the proper remedy for tenant is

61. If sufficient cause is made out the time for filing proceedings in the Court can be extended if

62. If a cause of action for the suit arises when the plaintiff is minor he may institute the suit

63. In computing the period of limitation for any suit, appeal or application the day from which such period is to be reckoned

64. While computing period of limitation of a suit time spent in another similar proceeding in the Court having no jurisdiction can be excluded if

65. A suit can be said to be in limitation even after period prescribed

66. When a new defendant is added in the suit, the suit shall be deemed to have been instituted against him from

67. In case of an easement by prescription the period of twenty years must be ending within from the date of institution of the suit.

68. Suit on a bill of exchange or promissory note payable at a fixed time should be filed within three years from

69. A suit for possession of immovable property based on title can be brought within 12 years from

70. Where no period of limitation is prescribed for an application it can be filed within

71. An ordinance can be issued by the President at any time when

73. Article 14 of Indian Constitution does not prohibit

74. Under Art. 356 a proclamation to remain operative must be approved within 2 months by

75. Who presides over the meetings of Lok Sabha in the absence of the Speaker ?

76. Which of the following fundamental rights is available to both the citizens and non-citizens ?

77. Who appoints Attorney General of India ?

78. Who can issue a writ for the enforcement of legal right ?

79. Judges of the Supreme Court, other than the Chi ^f Justice of Supreme Court, are appointed by

80. In case there is a conflict between the Preamble and other provisions of the Constitution, which will prevail over the other

81. Essential ingredients of the offence of mischief is

82. If a person entrusted with a property dishonestly converts it to his own use, he commits

83. When by putting any person in fear of injury he is dishonestly induced by another to deliver property it is

84. Theft is committed when

85. Grievous hurt means

86. Unlawful assembly means

87. Criminal conspiracy means

88. If a person instigates, intentionally aids or engages another person to do a thing he is said to have

89. When a person gains something by unlawful means to which he is not legally entitled it is

90. Culpable homicide means

91. A suit involving unregistered partnership arising from a right from a contract of such partnership is maintainable

92. Partnership firm

93. “Partnership” means

94. An agreement is void if

95. Agreement to do impossible act is

96. Communication of a proposal is complete as against the proposer when

97. A contract between an insurance company and vehicle owner to save the later from consequences of a vehicular accident is a contract of

98. Delivery of goods is deemed to have been accepted by the buyer when

99. A contract of sale of goods is a contract whereby

100. Unpaid seller means

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Maharashtra Judicial Services Exam PCS J 2012