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Note : This is not the complete question paper. This post contains only the question headers for reference. The complete papers, with the official answer keys are available for our registered users of LawMint.com online practice packs for the Judicial Services Exam preparation.
# Constitution of India:- The appropriate writ issued by the court to quash the appointment of a person to public office is that of-
# Where a law is made by a state legislature o the subhect enumerated in the concurrent list, with the assent of the president, repugnant to the earlier law made by parlialmet, then the law so made by the state
# According to the Constitution of India the term ‘District Judge’ shall not include-
# Which right is constitution right but not a fundamental right ?
# Equality of opportunity is matter of public employment-
# According to CPC., In connection with a suit by an indigent person, the suit is deemed to ve instituted on the date –
# Whether the pendency of a suit in a foreign court will preclude the courts in India from truing a suit founded on the same cause of action ?
# The Provision of Res Judicata also apply to the execution proceedings of a decree:
# In the case of a public nuisance, a suit for declaration and injunction may be instituted by :
# Where the appellant has withdrawn the appeal preferred against a decree passed ex-parte , the application under order 9 rule 13 cpc , shall be
# Whether a minor on attaining majority may, if a sole plaintiff, apply that a suit instituted in his name by next friend be dismissed on the ground that it was unreasonable or improper?
# Where the decree is for the partition of an undivided estate assessed to the payment of revenue to the govt. , the partition of the estate, in accordance with the law for the time being in force, shall be made by–
# No order for dentention of the judgment debtor in civil prison in execution of a decree for the payment of money shall be made where the total amount of the decree does not exceed.
# Pleading means
# Order rejecting plaint under order 7 rule 11 of CPC
# Provision of section 53 A of the transfer of property act, 1882 the rights of transferee for consideration , shall not be affected-
# A lets a farm to B on condition that he shall walk hundred miles in an hour-
# If the tenancy of an immovable propery is monthly, the in order to teminae the lease or it, a notice of which period shall be given-
# Section 9 of the transfer of property act, 1882 provided that-
# Under TP Act, if the donor dies before acceptance of the gift by the donee ?
# Under Indian Contract Act, an agreement which is enforceable by law at the option of one or more of the parties thereto, but not at the option of other or others is-
# If the time of performance of the contract is the essence of the contract and the promisor fails to perform the contract by the specified time-
# Under ICA, An agreement to remain unmarried is
# A hires a carriage of B . The carriage is unsafe though ‘B’ is not aware of it and A is injured.
# A proposal when accepted becomes-
# Under specific relief act, a suit for recovery of possession can be filed –
# Under section -6 specific relief act suit by person dispossessed of immovable property shall not be brought
# An injunction granted during the pendency of a suit, under section 37 specific relief act 1963 is known as a-
# An order or decree under section 6 of the specific relief act is –
# The period of limitation for a suit by a landlord to recover possession from a tenant after determination of tenancy is –
# Any suit for which no period of limitation is provided elsewhere in the schedule of the act, the limitation would be –
# Under Limitation Act, period of limitation for setting aside an exparte decree is
# Under MP Accommodation Control Act, essential supply enjoyed by a tenant in respect of the accommodation let to him is cutt off by the land lord. Who will make an order to restore such supply ?
# Under MP Accommodation Control Act, an appeal shall lie against the order passed by rent controlling authority to the –
# Under MP Accommodation Control Act, the landlord gets entitled the house vacated from the tenant if he did not use it continously for ….
# Where a landlord has acquired any accommodation by transfer, he cannot bring a suit for eviction on the ground specified in clause ( e) or (f) sub-section (1) of the section 12 MP Accommodation Control Act until-
# The provision of chapter 2, of MP Accomodation Control Act, 1961 will not be applicable to newly constructed house for a period of –
# Where a dispute arises between state government and a person with regard to the subject mentioned in sec 57 of MP Land Revenue Code, from the date 30-12-2011, it shall be decided by –
# Under MP Land Revenue code, who will decide the disputes relating to demarcation and maintenance of boundary lines ?
# Under MP Land Revenue Code, a Bhumiswami cann not lease any land comprised in his holding for more than one year –
# Under MP Land Revenue Code, wajib-ul-arz of a village is maintained by the …..
# Under Section 11 of MPLRC, 1959 who is not revenue officer ?
# Under Indian Evidence Act, 1872 the provision of relevancy of oral admission as to contents of electronic records is provided under-
# Under Indian Evidence Act, 1872 which one of the following is not essential condition for admissibilty of dying declaration ?
# Section 159 of Evidence Act provides for
# Indian Evidence Act:- A is tried for the murder of B by poison. The fact that before the death of B, A procured poison similar to that which was administered to B is –
# Indian Evidence Act, Exception to admissibility of hearsay evidence is
# Under Section 27 of the evidence act the ‘fact discovered ‘ means
# Under Indian Evidence Act, ‘Motive’ becomes more relevant in a case based on
# Under Indian Evidence Act, 1872 , evidence of ‘hostile witness’-
# Under Indian Evidence Act, 1872, the rule of ‘Res Gestae’ is applicable in –
# In prosecution for an offence under section 376 of IPC, where the question of sonsent is an issue, it shall not be permissible to adduce evidence or to put questions in the cross examination of the victim as to the general immoral character, or previous s
# ‘A’ puts his hand in the pocket of ‘B’ for stealing money but he found nothing in ‘B’s’ pocket as it was empty. ‘A’ has committed offence of-
# Under Indian Penal Code, 1860, which ingredient is not necessary to constitute and an offence of abetment-
# Two persons , A and B fight with each other. A was having a blade with which A inflicts injury on the face of B leaving a permanent scar on the face of B. A is guilty of offence of causing –
# In which of the section of the Indian penal code ‘stalking’ of a woman by any man is punishable?
# Indian Penal Code, 1860 :- X finds a government promissory note belonging to C bearing a blank endorsement X knowing that the note belongs to C, pledged it with a banker as a security for loan, intending to restore it to C, within a week . X
# Indian Penal Code, 1860 : – A finds the key to Y’s house door, which Y had lost and commits house trespass by entering Y’s house having opened the door with that key. What offence has A commited ?
# A prepares a maek sheer with an intention to ger a job thereby he committed the offence of –
# Nothing is an offence which is done by a child who is –
# What must be the age of a minor with regard to the offence of kidnapping from lawful guardianship ?
# If an offence is punishable with fine only and accused has been awarded with fine rupees fine the period of imprisonment in default shall
# Under Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 if a person is arresred by Police Officer without warrant whether such person, has been admitted to vail or otherwise the officer in-charge of the police station shall report to –
# No court shall take cognizance of an offence punishable with fine only, after the expiry of a period of –
# Who can not tender person to an accomplice u/s 306 of the code of criminal procedure
# When can a trial court reliase an accused on bail under section 389(3) Cr.P.C after conviction ?
# Summons Case means a case relating to an offence-
# An application fuled under section 257 of the criminal procedure code is allowed so the accused will be-
# On completion of investigation , the officer incharge of a police station shall forward the police report under section 173(2) Cr.P.C to –
# Under Section 125 Cr.P.C , a magistrate of the first class can order a person to make a monthly allowance for the maintanence of his-
# Under Criminal Procedure code, what is effect of trial conducted in wrong place ?
# Under Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, whether an accused may be a competent witness in his own defence ?
# In order to rebut the presumption under section 138 and 118 NI Act accused –
# Under Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 an instrument in writing containing an unconditional undertaking, signed by the maker, to pay a certain sum of money only o, or to the order of , certain person , or to the bearer of the instrument is a ……
# Under section 143 of NI Act, the trial shall be made to conclude after filing of complaint within ….. Period ?
# ‘My own Boswell’ is the autobiography of
# Who was the first Indian to receive a Nobel Prize ?
# In first battle of Panipat, Babar defeated which Lodi ruler to establish Mughals Dynasty in India ?
# Which movement was launched along with the khilafar Movement ?
# Who is the first prime minister of India to address The British Parliament ?
# Microsoft has selected which city for its pilot projects in Digital India initiative
# Who is also known as chanakya ?
# Who amonst the following is starting the ‘Project Loon’ in India?
# National Legal Literacy day is celebrated on –
# How many states are in India ?
# Tapti river is originated from –
# Who bult the Sanchi Stupa ?
# Where is the Samadhi of Maharani Laxmi Bhai situated ?
# Which site is not included in World Heritage List ?
# In which district of MP birth place of Chandra Shekhar Azad is situated ?
# Portrait and landscape are –
# Binary language consists of –
# Which one of the following is not an operating system ?
# Full form of URL is ?
# Which one works as an output and input device ?
# Man who has committed such an …..crime must get the most severe punishment.
# Select the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word ‘DEFIACNE’
# I didn’t…….T.V last night
# I think I’ve got a cold, I can’t stop
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