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Note : This is not the complete question paper. This post contains only the question headers for reference. The complete papers, with the official answer keys are available for our registered users of LawMint.com online practice packs for the Judicial Services Exam preparation.
# Under Indian Constitution to whom the president addresses his resignation?
# Under Indian Constitution, what is not included in freedom to manage religious affairs?
# Can fundamental rights, under Indian constitution, be waived by a person?
# Sixth schedule of the Indian constitution contains provisions with regard to administration of tribal areas of some states which of the following state is not included in it?
# President’s Rule under Article 356 of Constitution remains valid in the State for the maximum period of?
# Which writ can be issued when appointment is contrary to the statutory provisions?
# Section 9 of the Transfer, of Property Act, 1882 Provides that-
# In respect of transfer of property, under Transfer of Property Act, which of the following statements is not true?
# Within the meaning of Section 3 of the Transfer of Property Act, the immovable property does not include?
# Under Section 104 of Transfer of Property Act on whom the power of making Rules is conferred?
# Section 44 of the Transfer of Property Act deals with-
# Under section 148 of C.P.C., the Court can enlarge the time not exceeding in total-
# Where a Caveat has been lodged under section 148A of C.P.C., what is the period after expiry of which such Caveat shall not remain in force?
# Under Civil Procedure Code, in which of the following cases the Court cannot reject the plaint?
# Under Civil Procedure Code, which of the following statements are true regarding a decree?
# Under Civil Precedure Code, defendant can ask for temporary injunction against the plaintiff if-
# Under Civil Procedure Code, when application for review is dismissed-
# An order passed without jurisdiction, attains finality in favour of some parties. Whether principle of res judicata, under C.P.C., would apply to such an order, between same parties?
# The object of oral examination under Order 10 R. 2 of CP.C. is-
# Under Indian Contract Act, which of the following contracts is not a valid contract?
# A consigns goods to B for sale and gives him instructions not to sell under a fixed price. C, being ignorant of instructions, given to B, enters into a contract with B to buy the goods at a price lower than the reserved price-
# Under Indian Contract Act Publication of notice inviting tender is-
# Under Indian Contract Act, Contract of betting is-
# Proviso to section 34 of Specific Relief Act, 1963, relates to-
# Under Section 37 of Specific Relief Act, 1963 a temporary injunction can be granted-
# A is minor, who poses himself as major and executes a mortgage before B for Rs. 10000/-. B files a suit for recovery of loan. A takes a defence that he was not competent to contract when he took loan. In such a situation which of the following statement i
# When, due to fraud played by the parties, a contract in writing does not express its real intention, then appropriate remedy would be a suit for-
# Section 6 of Limitation Act does apply in case of?
# Any suit for which no period of limitation is provided elsewhere in the Schedule of the Limitation Act, the limitation would be-
# Under Limitation Act, the period of limitation for any suit or application shall be deemed to be extended for a maximum period of… From the death of the person affected by disability-
# Under section 21 of Limitation Act, 1963 when the suit shall be deemed to have been Instituted as against the newly impleaded defendant-
# Where decree is passed against a tenant on the ground of bona fide need under Sec.12(I)(e) of M.P. Accommodation Control Act, the landlord would get possession of the premises after….of the date of order-
# To whom appeal lies, against an order passed by Rent Controlling Authority under section 23-A of the M.P. Accommodation Control Act?
# Under M.P. Accommodation Control Act, landlord can institute a suit for eviction against tenant for accommodation let for non-residential purpose if required bonafide by the landlord-
# Under M.P. Accommodation Control Act, the ground for eviction that the tenant has built accommodation suitable for his purpose is available only where the purpose of letting is-
# Under Sec. 13(2) of M.P. Accommodation Control Act, the fixing of provisional rent is necessary where the disputs relates to-
# A retired servant of a…..is covered within the meaning of landlord as defined under Section 23-J (II) of the M.P. Accommodation Control Act-
# Under the provisions of M.P. Accommodation Control Act, with respect to fixation of standard rent, exclusive jurisdiction has been conferred on-
# Unde Section 12(1)(f) of M.P. Accommodation Control Act, for whose need, Landlord cannot obtain decree of eviction against a tenant?
# Under M.P. Land Revenue Code, in respect of Government lessee, which statement is correct?
# Under M.P. Land Revenue Code, a bhumiswami can transfer his land on lease only for a period……
# Under M.P. Land Revenue Code, who is the owner of all lands of the State?
# Under which Section of M.P. Land Revenue Code, appointment of Kotwars and their duties are prescribed?
# Under Section 113 of the M.P. Land Revenue Code, clerical errors made in the record of rights may, at any time, be corrected or caused, to be corrected by the-
# Under M.P. Land Revenue Code, how many adjournments may be granted by the Revenue Officer to each party for the hearing of a case or proceedings before him?
# Under M.P. Land Revenue Code, Collector can not review an order, which has not been passed by himself, without prior permission of?
# Under M.P. Land Revenue Code, Tahsildar can rectify wrong entry made in khasra if application is filed within-
# Under M.P. Land Revenue Code, after publication of ‘Wajib-ul-Arz’ within which period it can be challenged in a Civil Court?
# Ram is charged with travelling on a railway without a ticket. Under Evidence Act the burden of proving that Ram had a ticket is on?
# Evidence Act- An estate called ‘the Rampore tea estate’ is sold by a deed which contains a map of the property sold. The fact that land not included in the map had always been regarded as part of the estate and was meant to pass by the deed, this fact-
# Statement of an injured person is recorded as dying declaration, however he survives. His Statement is admissible under which section of the Evidence Act?
# Under Evidence Act, confession of one accused is admissible in evidence against co-accused-
# Under S. 68 of Evidence Act, for proving execution of a registered will it is-
# Under Evidence Act, which of the following facts need not be proved?
# A dying declaration under Section 32 of the Evidence Act is admissible in evidence-
# In which of the following sets of sections of the I.P.C. even death can be caused in exercise of right of private defence of person and property?
# A prepares a marksheet with an intention to use it as original to secure a job. Under I.P.C., he is said to have committed offence of-
# A throws acid on B and causes grievous hurts to him. Under I.P.C., A is liable for minimum punishment of?
# A who was previously convicted under section 376 I.P.C. and is again convicted under same section for life imprisonment. Here imprisonment for life means-
# Where no sum is expressed to which a fine may extend, under I.P.C. in such a case, the amount of fine to which the offender is liable is:-
# Under I.P.C., deceit is ingredient of-
# ‘A’ makes an attempt to steal some jewels by breaking open a box, and finds after so opening the box, that there is no jewel in it. Under I.P.C., ‘A’ has committed-
# ‘A’ incites a dog to spring upon Z, without Z’s consent, intending to cause injury fear or annoyance to Z, ‘A’ has, under I.P.C. committed-
# In case of non-bailable offence under section 437 Cr.P.C. the Magistrate can release the person produced before him on bail-
# If person, identifying the person arrested is mentally and physically disabled, who will supervise the process of identification, under Cr. P.C.?
# If any woman against whom an offence under section 326A IPC is alleged to has been committed gives information, under Cr.P.C. such information should be recorded by-
# Under Cr.P.C., for which offence it is mandatory for all Government and private hospitals to provide first aid to the victim and inform the police of such incident-
# Under Cr.P.C., application for plea bargaining can be filed by-
# Which of the following persons cannot claim maintenance under Section 125, Cr.P.C.
# An offence is committed outside India by a citizen of India such offence shall be inquired or tried in India with the previous sanction of-
# Can a person discharged under sec. 258 of Cr.P.C. be tried again for the same offence?
# Which of the following circumstances will attract the provisions of Section 138 of Negotiable instruments Act?
# What is the presumption under Section 139 of the Negotiable Instruments Act?
# Under Negotiable Instruments Act, how many days after service of notice of demand on drawer, the Cause of Action arises against drawer, if he fails to make payment?
# Under Negotiable Instruments Act, for filling a complaint under sec. 138 of the Act essential condition is-
# Which foreign musician performed in Kashmir for peace?
# With which game Jwala Gutta is associated-
# Which country agreed to cooperate India in its mission of sending unmanned space crafts to Moon and Mars?
# In M.P. which national park would get lions from Gujarat?
# Who is the authour of the book ‘A Passage to India’?
# India’s newly constructed longest rail tunnel is-
# Which is the largest state of India area wise?
# Which of the following was the capital city of Raja Bhoj?
# In India Tropical deciduous forests are found in-
# Which of the following sections of the Representation of People Act was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in a recent judgement?
# Shakuntala devi who died recently was famous for?
# Which of the following effect is not caused by the rotation of Earth around its axis?
# Parkinson’s disease related to-
# In which State ‘Khap Panchayat’ is more prevlent?
# To whom amongst the following, Man Booker Prize for year 2013 was conferred?
# In Computer CD-ROM is-
# The correcting errors in a programme of Computer is called-
# Which of the following is not a type of computer virus=
# Amongst following, which is the smallest unit of storage-
# Android is an operating system based on-
# What is the antonym of the word optimist-
# Make the correct answer choice for the blank in the following sentence- ‘The cat has….the bird’-
# Give the meaning of the word Ecstatic-
# A phrase generally used for the words ‘to care for somebody or oneself’ is-
# Pragmatic means-
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