Madhya Pradesh Civil Judge Exam 2013 Paper I

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Madhya Pradesh Judicial Service Civil Judge Exam Syllabus & overview

Note : This is not the complete question paper. This post contains only the question headers for reference. The complete papers, with the official answer keys are available for our registered users of online practice packs for the Judicial Services Exam preparation.

# Under Indian Constitution in performance of his duties. Attorney General for India, shall have right of audience

# Under Indian Constitution, Fundamental duties enshrined under Article 51A does not includes the duty.

# Which Article of Indian Constitution provides for reservation in matters of promotion in services under the state in favour of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trimes

# Under Indian Constitution, the Supreme Court may make rules of regulating the practice and procedure of the Court with the approval of

# ‘Indian National Anthem is a reflection of the real India as a country- a confidence of many religious, races, communities and geographical entitles. It is a message of unity in diversity’

# Right to vote is a-

# Section 41 of the T.P.A. 1882 is the statutory application of the law of

# Under Transfer of Property Act, in the absence of a Contract or Local Law, monthly lease is terminable

# Under Transfer of Property Act, which of the following is not transferable

# Under Transfer of Property Act, in which of the following matter, the doctrine of lis pendens does not apply.

# According to Section 54 of Transfer of Property Act, a contract for the sale of immovable property

# Under Section 151 of Civil Procedure Code, inherent powers can be exercised by the

# Under C.P.C.1908, on death of either parties to the suit after conclusion of hearing and pronouncement of judgment, the suit

# Under CPC 1908, if the court finds at any stage that it has no pacuniary jurisdiction with respect to the subject matter of the suit, it will

# Under C.P.C, which of following is not a decree?

# According to Order 20 Rule 7 of civil procedure code the decree shall bear the date of

# In a summary suit presented under order 37 civil procedure code it is necessary for the defendant to appear before the court within how many days of the service of the summon of appearance

# Under C.P.C., which of the following is not a suit of a civil nature

# Under CPC, a plaint can be rejected, where the suit is instituted in a Court having

# Under Indian Contract Act, when does an agreement becomes a contract?

# ‘A’ agree with ‘B’ to discover treasure by magic. Under Indian Contract Act, the agreement is-

# A sent his servant B to trace his lost nephew. When the servant had left ‘A’ announced a reward of Rs.501/-to any one who traces the boy. B found the boy and brought him home. Then he came to know about the reward. Under Indian Contract Act, can he claim the reward?

# A hires a carriage of B. The carriage is unsafe, though B is not aware of it, and A is injured. Under Indian Contract Act, B is

# Under Specific Relief Act, 1963, Specific Relief may be granted

# The declaration given under Section 34 of the Specific Relief Act is binding on whom?

# Which of the following contract can not be specifically enforced as per the provisions of Section 14 of the specific relief Act?

# An order or decree passed in a suit presented under Section 6 of the Specific Relief Act is

# Under Limitation Act 1963,in computing the period of limitation for any suit, the day from which such period is to be reckoned

# As per Section 5 of Limitation Act 1963, prescribed period of limitation may not be extended in case of

# Under Limitation Act, 1963, the prescribed period of limitation for suit for compensation for a malicious prosecution is

# Law of Limitation ordinarily bars a remedy, but does not extinguish a right. Which of the following Section of the Limitation Act, 1963, provides for exception to the said rule

# Under M.P. Accommodation Council Act, 1961, when the defence against eviction of the tenant can be struck out?

# Under which provision of M.P. Accommodation Control Act, 1961, penalties can be imposed for a land lord and tenant?

# The Provisions of M.P. Accommodation Control Act applies to

# Under M.P. Accommodation Council Act, 1961, what is the maximum period for which standard rent shall be fixed for a tenancy?

# Which of the following is not a ”member of the family” for the purpose of M.P.Accommodation Control Act, 1961

# Under M.P. Accommodation Control Act, 1961, where a landlord has acquired any accommodation by transfer, no suit for the eviction of tenant shall be maintainable on the ground of bonafide need for residence, unless a period of…has elapsed from the date of acquisition.

# Under M.P. Accommodation Control Act, 1961, in a suit for eviction, the tenant shall deposit in the Court or pay to the landlord the arrears of rent within which period from the service of writ of summons

# Under M.P. Accommodation Control Act, 1961, where shall the tenant file a complaint when the landlord with holds the essential supply?

# Under M.P. L.R.C. 1959, on all lands on which the assessment has not been made, the assessment of land revenue shall be made by

# Under M.P.L.R.C. 1959, within how many days can the non tribal Bhumiswami may apply for restoration of possession of his land from where he has been illegally dispossessed?

# Any dispute between the state government and any person in respect of any right under Section 57(1) of the M.P. Land Revenue Code shall be decided by the

# The offence under Secion 250B of the M.P. Land Revenue Code is

# Under M.P.L.R.C. 1959, which of the following Revenue Officer is empowered, after the closure of the revenue surveys and during the term of settlement, to correct any errors in the area of any holding due to mistake of arithmetical miscalculation.

# A person who, at the time of coming into force of the M.P. Land Revenue Code, 1959,held a land as a pattedar tenant in the Vindhya Pradesh region, shall be called

# Under M.P.L.R.C., 1959,which of the following matter is not in exclusive jurisdiction of revenue authorities?

# Under which Section of MP. L.R.C. occupancy tenants defined?

# Any right lawfully acquired by a person in any land shall be reported by the person under Section 109 of the M.P.Land Revenue Code to

# Under Indian Evidence Act, the evidence given by dog squad is

# If an accused voluntarily consents for brain mapping and harco-anylysis, then such information is relevant under which Section of Evidence Act?

# An, accused of murder, alleges that, by grave and sudden provocation, he was deprived of the power of self-control under Indian Evidence Act, the burden of proof is on

# A prosecutes, B for adultery with C, A’s wife, B deines that C is A’s wife, but the court convicts B of adultery. Afterwards, C is prosecuted for bigamy in marrying B during A’s lifetime. C says that she never was A’s wife. Under Indian Evidence Act, the judgment against B is

# A, agrees in writing, to sell a horse to B for ‘Rs. 1,000 or Rs. 1,500. To show which price was to be given, under Indian Evidence Act-

# A sues B for Rs. 1000 and shows entries in his account-books showing B to be indebted to him to this amount. Under Indian Evidence Act

# The term ‘Court’, as defined in the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, does not include

# Which section of IPC is based on the maxim ‘de minimis nor curate lex” (the law takes no account of trifles)?

# Under which provision of the IPC appropriate Government may commute the punishment of imprisonment for life?

# Accoding to Indian Penal Code, taking property dishonestly from the dead body

# According to Indian Penal Code, any man who monitors the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication commits the offence of

# Under Indian Penal Code, the imprisonment, which the Court imposes in default of payment of fine, may be of the following description-

# A holds B down and fraudulently takes B’s cell phone from B’s trouser without his consent. Under Indian Penal Code. A commits the offence of

# A obtains a decree against B for a sum not due. It may be an offence under I.P.C. if ‘A’ has done so

# Under I.P.C., sexual intercourse by a man with a woman who is not his wife with her consent is a rape,if she is below the age of

# Under Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, who empowers the Judicial Magistrate First Class for summary trails?

# Under Criminal Procedure Code 1973, who shall record the information of rape being given by a rape victim?

# Who cah record statement and confession under Section 164 of the Cr.P.C.

# Under Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, a magistrate can commit a case to Court of Session which is not exclusively triable by the Court of Session if it appears to him that the case is such that

# Under Criminal Procedure Code, when the Inquiry or trial relates to an offence under Section 376 to 376D of the Indian Penal Code within which period the inquiry or trial shall as far as possible be completed from the date of filling of the charge sheet?

# Under Cr.P.C., a Magistrate First Class may order to make a monthly allowance for the maintence at the monthly rate of

# Inherent power under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 can be exercised by

# When may an accomplice be tendered pardon under Section 306 of Criminal Procedure Code?

# To constitute an offence under Section 138, Negotiable Instrument Act, within how many days the cheque should be presented to the bank from the date on which it is drawn?

# Under Section 118 of Negotiable instrument Act, 1881,what presumption shall not be made?

# The maximum amount of fine which can be imposed under Section 138 of Negoitable instrument Act is

# Under Negotiable Instrument Act 1881, how many times, a holder of a cheque can present it before a bank during the period of its validity?

# UN Security Council by a resolution decided to destroy the chemical weapons of which country?

# First women Chairperson of the State Bank of India is

# Name of scientists who discovered ‘God Praticle’ and were awarede Nobel Prize for this in 2013 are:

# Khajuraho Festival is a culturally enriched show of

# Bhimbetka is known for

# Name of India’s first defence satelite, launched on 30 August, 2013 is

# Daman and Diu comes under the jurisdiction of which of the following High Court?

# The Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant is established in

# Who is the Chairperson of Unique identification Authority of India?

# Kshipra is the tributary of which River

# ‘Chand Ka Muh Teda Hai’- is the work of

# Mid-Day Meal Scheme presently covers students up to class

# In addition to India Nepal and Pakistan, following countries are also included in Indian Sub continent?

# The gas which traps the heat of the suit and prevents it from going back into space is?

# In which district of Madhya Pradesh ‘Bori wild life’ is situated?

# A Storage system for email amount of date is?

# A Stand-alone system which produces one page of printout at a time is?

# Which of the following is not a type of touch screen technology

# What is true about Ubuntu

# ‘www’ stands for

# Anyonyms for ‘MARVELLOUS’ is

# Synonym of ‘BLEMISH’ is

# Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of ‘veracity’

# Monkey are able to move quickly they are very…..(which is most appropriate word to complete the sentence)

# (Select the appropriate word to complete the sentence) …. most important event in India’s history was the revolution of 1857 ?

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Madhya Pradesh Judicial Service Civil Judge Exam Syllabus & overview

Madhya Pradesh Civil Judge Exam 2013 Paper I