We are shortly launching our Online Practice Packs for various State Judicial (Judge) Exams.
We will notify you as soon as we release the Practice Packs. Enter your name & email in the form below.
Note : This is not the complete question paper. This post contains only the question headers for reference. The complete papers, with the official answer keys are available for our registered users of LawMint.com online practice packs for the Judicial Services Exam preparation.
# Choose the tense form of the following sentence:
# I am trying to phone here, but I can’t
# Which of the following is the sentence with coordinating conjunction?
# The word which is most similar in meaning to the word ‘Thrashing’ is
# The group of words which is most similar in meaning to the word ‘Vanished’ is
# From the following words, the misspelt word is
# Gynaephobia’ stands for
# The word which is most opposite in meaning to the word ‘Random’ is
# Find the odd word out:
# One who walks in sleep is
# Estoppel’ has been defined under
# The presumption of legitimacy under Section 112 is
# A witness may, while under examination, refresh his memory by referring to any writing made by himself at the time of the transaction or soon afterwords. This provision is provided under
# Leading question has been defined under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 under
# Under which Section of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, a public servant shall not be compelled to disclose communication made to him in official confidence?
# A is charged with travelling in a railway without a ticket. The burden of proving that he had a ticket,is
# In respect of a certified copy, thirty years old, which fulfills all the conditions laid under Section 90 of the Indian Evidence Act, the court
# A certified copy of a registered sale deed produced in evidence
# Confession of one accused is admissible evidence against co-accused, if they are tried
# For the purpose of proving a registered ‘Will it shall be necessary to call
# In the Evidence Act, the conditions in respect of computer output to be deemed and admissible in evidence as document is contained in
# Which of the following is correct in respect of determining the date of birth of A?
# Which of the following is required to be proved essentially?
# Opinions of experts are not relevant
# Which of the following Sections provides that evidence may be given of facts in issue?
# Which one of the following is not essential for a consideration?
# The provisions relating to contingent contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872 is laid down under
# The intimation under Section 59 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872
# A tender in a newspaper is
# Every promise and every set of promises forming the consideration for each other is
# A agrees with B to discover treasure by magic. The agreement is
# Which of the following Sections of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines ‘Contract’?
# Which of the following Sections of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines ‘Consideration’?
# ‘An agreement without consideration is void.’ Which Section of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 lays down this provision?
# The nature of an agreement made under the provisions of Section 20 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 would be
# ‘The liability of the surety is coextensive with that of the principle debtor’. It has been provided under
# An agreement to do an act impossible’ is provided in the Indian contract Act Under
# A ‘contract of pledge’ is a contract of
# In kidnapping, consent of minor is
# A, who deals only is coconut oil, enters into an agreement with B to sell 50 tons of oil. The agreement is
# B is wife of A. A during lifetime of B and with her consent makes an agreement with C to marry her (C). The agreement is
# A finds the key of B’s house door, which B had lost, and commits house trespass by entering B’s house, having opened the door with that key. A has committed the offence of
# What punishment may be awarded to the person whose act is covered under general exceptions of Chapter IV of IPC?
# In which of the following landmark cases, a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court prescribed four-point test relating to Section 300, thirdly, of IPC?
# Inducing a person with dishonest intention to part with his property by putting him in fear of physical injury amounts to an offence of
# A sees B drowing in the river, but does not save him. B is drowned. A has committed
# Common intention’ signifies
# A, knowing that B has murdered Z, assists B to hide the body with the intention of screening B from punishment. A is liable to
# A is the paramour of Z’s wife. She gives a valuable property to A, which A knows to belong to Z, and A takes it dishonestly, without any authority of Z to give away. A has committed
# Which of the following is not an essential element of theft?
# For the offence of abduction of person, abducted must be
# Which of the following is not an essential element for the offence of kidnapping?
# Under IPC, attempt to commit dacoity is punished under
# In which of the following cases, it is settled that death sentence should be awarded only in the ‘rarest of rare’ cases?
# In which one of the following circumstances, the right of private defence of the body extends to causing death?
# As per IPC, gangrape is punished under
# To which one of the following the word ‘Illegal’ used under Section 43 of IPC is not applicable?
# In which State the first ‘Lok-Ayukt’ was appointed?
# International Workers Day is observed on
# The ratio of width of our National Flag to its length is
# Law Day’ is celebrated in india on which one of the following dates?
# The State of Jharkhand was established on
# On the basis of area, the largest State in India is
# Joule’ is the unit of
# Antibiotics
# Where did Akbar born?
# The Tax Reform commission was set up by the
# During proceeding for execution of a decree, if a question arises as to whether any person is or is not the representative of a party, such question shall be determined by
# In execution of a decree, other than a decree for maintenance, passed against A, what shall be the attachable portion, if his salary is Rs. 10,000 per month?
# In an ‘interpleader suit’ there
# The Court cannot order execution of a decree as per Section 51 of CPC, in which of the following ways?
# If the appellant withdraws the appeal preferred against a decree passed ex parte, the application under Order 9, Rule 13 of CPC shall be
# Where a suit is abated or dismissed under Order 22 of CPC on the same cause of action
# Which of the following is not correct regarding the powers of Appellate Court?
# Period of detention in civil Imprisonment, as a consequence of disobedience or breach of any injunction, shall not exceed
# If a party who has obtained an order to amend the pleadings under CPC,if not amended, after expiration of how many days shall not be permitted to amend the same without the leave of the court?
# Where party dies after conclusion of the hearing and before pronouncing of judgement
# An application for revision under CPC is filed under
# Before filing a suit against government under Section 80 of CPC it requires a notice to be given to the government of
# Exemption from personal appearance in the court is provided under
# A suit in respect of public charities is provided under
# Suit of indigent persons has been provided under
# The provision in respect of summary procedure has been laid down under
# Under Section 37 of Code of Criminal Procedure every person is bound to assist a Magistrate or a Police Officer
# In a cognizable case under Indian Penal Code, the police will have all the powers to investigate
# For the purpose of taking cognizance of an offence what period of limitation is prescribed by the court for an offence carrying punishment not exceeding one year?
# What is the maximum period an Executive Magistrate may authorize the detention of an accused in custody?
# Who is not entitled to any maintenance under Chapter IX of CrPC
# How long a warrant of arrest shall remain in force?
# What is the time limit prescribed within which claims and objections to attachment to be made under CrPC?
# Under what appropriate Section, a Magistrate may issue an order of injunction?
# Under what Section of CrPC a Magistrate may direct local investigation?
# Who among the following may ask for security for keeping peace on conviction?
# What is the maximum period, under Section 110 of CrPC, for furnishing security prescribed for keeping good behaviour?
# A confession made under Section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code of 1973 can be recorded by a Magistrate, during the course of
# Trial commences in warrant cases instituted on police report
# Which of the following statements need not be signed by the maker?
# Under which Section of law, Magistrate has power to issue ‘commission’ for examination of witness in prison?
# Under which Section of law the court has provision to direct tender of pardon to the accused before pronouncement of judgment?
# If question asked to witness to any matter relevant to the matter in issue and the answer given by witness to such question will criminate him, then
We are shortly launching our Online Practice Packs for various State Judicial (Judge) Exams.
We will notify you as soon as we release the Practice Packs. Enter your name & email in the form below.