We are shortly launching our Online Practice Packs for various State Judicial (Judge) Exams.
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Note : This is not the complete question paper. This post contains only the question headers for reference. The complete papers, with the official answer keys are available for our registered users of LawMint.com practice packs.
# Suit for partition of immovable property may be Instituted:-
# Which is not correct in respect of powers of the appellate court:-
# An aggrieved informant on refusal on the part of officer incharge of a police station to record information regarding cognizable offence, may
# For offence punishable with fine only, the period of limitation for taking cognizance is:
# After signing of judgment or final order, the same can be altered or reviewed only for the purpose of:-
# What secondary evidence can be given in respect of public document:-
# Limitation for filing appeal before the collector is
# The formation of Patwari’s circles is done by:-
# Which of the following is not recorded in Wajib- ui-arz:-
# When court may presume about ihe execution or document produced from proper custody? When the document is:-
# Which of the following is nor correct:-
# For proving execution of a registered wiil:-
# Leading question can be asked in:-
# Which of the following is not necessary fora contract
# Agriculture does not include
# On which of the following grounds a plaint will not be rejected
# Auction purchaser shall deposit the entire amount within-
# Which one of the following is not necessary for the applicability of the doctrine of res-judicata?
# Maximum sentence of fine which a J.M.F.C. can impose for offence under section 138 of the negotiable instruments Act:-
# Period of limiiation for taking cognizance of offence punishable with imprisonment for more than three years is:-
# Which of the following does not apply to cognizable offence:-
# Maximum sentence of imprisonment that can be awarded for the offence of Affray:-
# When the offence is punishable with imprisonment as well as fine, maximum term of imprisonment that can be awarded in default of payment of fine shall not exceed:-
# By whose order the tenancy of an occupancy tenant in his holding can be terminaled:-
# Party may apply for setting aside an order passed ex parts by a revenue officer, within
# Standard rent may be fixed by
# Revision may be filed against the order of the Rent controlling Authority before:-
# On landlord stopping the water supply, the tenant may prefer complaint before:-
# which of the Bhumiswami cannot transfer their land without the permission of the collector?
# What is the maximum period of detention during investigation for offence of murder, after which and on non filing of charge sheet the accused is entitled to be realese on bail:-
# When the offence punishable under I.P.C. is tried by summary procedure, itie punishment shell not exceed:-
# Which of the Revenue officer cannot make over any case from his file to another revenue officer?
# A Bhumiswami dispossessed otherwise than in due course of law, may apply for restoration of possession before:-
# Which of the following offences is punishable with a minimum sentence of seven years:-
# Attempt to commit any offence is punishable with:- of the term of imprisonment provided for the offence
# Preparation of which of the following offences ispunishable:-
# Cheating by personation is punishable with imprisonment upto :-
# Which of the following is not essential for the, ‘offence of the Riot1?
# Which of the following is entitled to receive maintenance under section 125 Criminal Procedure Code:-
# Anticipatory bail under section 438 Cr.P.C. may be granted by
# Whether sentence awarded in default of payment of fine can be set off under section 428 Cr.P.C.
# In respect of which of the following, that the jurisdiction of the civil court is barred under C.G. accommodation control Act 1961 :-
# When can the Governor recommend for imposition of President rule in the State?
# After what period, decree passed under section 12 (1) (e) or 12 (1) (f) C.G. Accommodation control Act can be executed;-
# Cognizance of offences punishable under C.G. Accommodation control Act can be taken by:-
# For which of the following, an Accommodation cannot be got vacated under section 12 (1)(f)CGA.C.Act!961?
# Officer of which minimum rank is appointed R.C.A.:-
# Possession of Accommodation obtained under section 12(l)(e)orl2{l)(f) C.G. A.C. Act 1961. For how long it cannot be ra-let without the permission of R.C.A.?
# What is the effect of compounding of offence under section 320 Cr.P.C.:-
# In proceedings under section 145 Cr.P.C. prior possession is taken into consideration. What is that period:-
# Suit for possession on the basis of prior possession may be filed within:-
# Decree for partition of immovable property may be executed within:-
# Within what period a minor can file a suit for cancellation of a document after attaining majority?
# ‘A’, intending to deceive ‘B’ falsely represents that five hundred tonnes of indigo are made annually at A’s factory, and thereby induces ‘B’ to buy the factory. The contract is:-
# Which of the following is the agent to receive process in a suit instituted against the Government on behalf of the Government:-
# A prior notice of has to be given before suit is instituted against the Government:-
# Where a suit abates or is dismissed under the provision of order 22 C P.C., than a second suit on the same cause of action
# The period of limitation for a suit for damages on account of malicious prosecution is:-
# The assessment of land revenue for different lands is done by
# ‘A’, is charged of travelling in a train without ticket. The burden of proving that ‘A1 had a ticket, is on:-
# Which of the following is not Accommodation as defined in Section 2 of C.G Accommodation control Act 1961?
# After, what period from the date of filing, that caveat ceases to be in force:-
# Under the C.P.C. the court can award interest from the date of decree till the date of realisation at the rate not exceeding:-
# Whether an issue heard and finally decided by a court of limited jurisdiction can operate as res-judicata in a subsequent suit, in respect of which the court of limited jurisdiction is not competent to try the subsequent suit?
# A Tender is:-
# After rejection of plaint, whether the plaintiff can institute fresh suit on the same cause of action:-
# Period of limitation for filling suit for declaration is:-
# If the compromise on which a decree is based, is unlawful, than:-
# What is the period of limitation for filing suit for redemption of mortgaged immovable property:-
# To which of the cases the provisions of order 22 rule 3 and 4 C.P.C. do not apply?
# Within which period, a person having an interest in immovable property should deposit the decretal as well as the amount to be given to the Auction purchaser, for getting the sale set aside?
# How much amount an auction purchaser should deposit immediately after the sale?
# In an interpleader suit, plaintiff may claim:-
# Decree of restitution of conjugal rights may be enforced:-
# Gift is defined in which section of the Transfer of properly Act 1882:-
# Which one is not essential for the doctrine of part performance:-
# Which one of the following courts has jurisdiction to release on probation of good conduct?
# From a judgment of acquittal in cognizable and non-bailable case passed by J.M.F.C., appeal may be preferred to:-
# Which one of the following is true about the Sessions Court:-
# No person can be appointed public prosecutor for a district, unless his name is in the list of :-
# When the accused/appellant dies during the pendecy of appeal, and his near relative wants to continue the appeal, then within what period he should apply for leave of the court to continue the appeal:-
# When suit is filed for a declaration that the plaintiff is not liable to pay a certain amount of money which is being recovered from him. What should be the valuation of the suit for purposes of court fees?
# For the offence of kidnapping, what should be the age of the minor?
# What is the period of limitation for a suit for possession on the basis of title?
# Where either party dies after the conclusion of the hearing and before the pronouncement of the judgment, then:-
# Confession, if otherwise relevant, is relevant even when:-
# Party may avail remedy against an interlocutory order passed by J.M.F.C.:-
# Transfer of property in favour of an unborn person. When such person acquires interest in the property?
# Summons to accused may be served:-
# Confessional statement of the accused in custody, when admissible:
# Which of the following is not essential for a gift?
# For the purposes of section 167 (2) Cr.P.C, the period of Sixty days or Ninety days will be reckoned from the dats of
# A person for offence of theft is convicted and sentenced by J.M.F. C. to one year imprisonment and fine. What is the maximum term of imprisonment which can be awarded in default of payment of fine?
# For offences punishable under the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes (prevention of Atrocities Act) 1989, the special court takes cognizance:-
# Which of the following suits is not triable by a Civil Court:-
# Second appeal before the High Court is entertained on:-
We are shortly launching our Online Practice Packs for various State Judicial (Judge) Exams.
We will notify you as soon as we release the Practice Packs. Enter your name & email in the form below.