- Updated as per latest CLAT PG pattern
- Overall there are 300+ comprehension passages - with 2350+ questions
- 100 passages are provided as stand-alone mini mock tests
- 120 passages are combined to form 10 full-length mock tests
- 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 (New Pattern) Question papers included as mock tests
- Answers include the reason or 'rationale' for better understanding
- Order of the questions and answer choices are shuffled in every attempt for better practice
- The passages are of various lengths and complexities for better practice
- Unlimited access & practice - valid for one year from date of purchase
- Accessible 24 x 7 via Smart-Phone browsers and Desktops
- More the 100 LawMint users were selected by various top NLUs in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 - Including NLSIU, NALSAR, NLU-J, WBNUJS
- Our users were also selected for the IIT KGP LLM, NLU Delhi (AILET PG) & DU LLM programs
Also included in the pack : (Useful for non-CLAT LLM entrance exams) :
- 11 CLAT PG old pattern previous Papers - 2009 to 2019 (as mock tests)
- 50 full-length old MCQ format mock tests (100 questions each)
- 50 old pattern MCQ mini-mock tests (25 questions each)
- Summarized overview of Important Jurisprudence topics (For Subjective & Objective questions)
- Overview of all Constitutional Amendments
- All Tests & Previous Papers are timed and have Negative marking for realistic simulation
- Questions & Answer Choices randomly shuffled in every attempt for better practice

Authentic Feedback from previous LawMint users :
I got AIR 21 in CLAT PG. Thank you so much. Your mocks helped me a lot in my preparation 🙂 - Ayushi Jain
I have subscribed to your CLAT PG program and got AIR 36 in this year CLAT PG. I have also secured AIR 54 in AILET PG exam. I would like to thank you. Your mock paper really helps a lot - Shrashank Tripathi
I would like to thank you for the CLAT PG LLM COURSE. Practising mock tests there helped me in getting confidence and hence I was able to get AIR 45 in CLAT PG LLM - Akshay Awasthi
A year back, I relied on the IIT Kharagpur RGSOIPL mock test series by LawMint to prepare for my RGSOIPL entrance test. Few months back, I relied on your UGC NET Law series to prepare for UGC NET. I was the topper of the RGSOIPL entrance, and have cracked JRF in UGC NET. All thanks to LawMint - Anshuman Sahoo
"I got AIR 18 in CLAT PG and General Category rank 28 in AILET PG. I want to thank you for helping me practice well in controlled conditions from any place. It gave me a lot of confidence and I took the tests while travelling too. I also made it to IIT Kharagpur." - Vinodharani
"Lawmint has been of great help to me in securing AIR 25 in AILET PG and AIR 29 in CLAT PG examinations. The subjective and objective approach of the test series kept me up to date with the latest exam pattern." - Bhawna Nanda
"I, Nimmy Saira Zachariah joined you clat test series. I cleared AILET PG with 30th rank. Your test series were of immense help as it gave me clear idea of where my preparations stand thank you once again law mint." - Nimmy S Z
"Hey guys. Where do I start? If I thought that getting AIR 59 in Clat PG was it, then how wrong I was. With Lawmint now I have cracked UGC NET as well." - Joyanta Chakraborty
1. A is accused of cheating B at a given time and place. The charge:
(a) must not set out the manner in which A cheated B.
(b) must set out the manner in which A cheated B.
(c) no charge is required to be framed in this case
(d) may or may not set out the manner in which A cheated B.
2. The statement that a lady has given birth to a child. It is a:
(a) defamatory statement
(b) defamatory statement if the lady is unmarried
(c) not a defamatory statement
(d) dependent on the intention of the maker of the statement.
3. Which of the following case led to the enactment of “The Compensatory A forestation Fund Act, 2016?
(a) M.C. Mehta v. Union of India, (2016)
(b) Centre for Environmental Law, World Wide Fund India v. Union of India, (2013)
(c) T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad v. Union of India, (2002)
(d) Centre for Public Interest Litigation v. Union of India, (2012).
4. In 1980, the Central Government appointed a Committee to Review Environmental Legislation and recommend measures for ensuring environmental protection. The name of the Committee was:
(a) Khanna Committee
(b) Tiwari Committee
(c) Kamal Nath Committee
(d) M.C. Mehta Committee.
5. Under the Paris Agreement, 2015, the contributions that each individual country should make in order to achieve the worldwide goals are determined by all countries individually and called as:
(a) Nationally determined contributions
(b) Climate Fund
(c) Voluntary determined contribution
(d) Environmental Fund.
6. A, B and C jointly promise to pay D 3,000 rupees. D may compel:
(a) either A or B or C to pay him 3,000 rupees.
(b) either A or B to pay him 3,000 rupees.
(c) either B or C to pay him 3,000 rupees.
(d) all to pay him 3,000 rupees simultaneously.
7. When did India enact Indian Maritime Zone Act?
(a) 1976
(b) 1994
(c) 1982
(d) 1979.
8. Under which provision of Indian Penal Code the ‘Dowry death’ is defined?
(a) Section 304
(b) Section 304B
(c) Section 305
(d) Section 304A.
9. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is based on_____ Sustainable Development Goals:
(a) 15
(b) 17
(c) 18
(d) 5.
10. The first case decided by the European Court of Human Rights was:
(a) Lawless v. Ireland
(b) Ireland v. United Kingdom
(c) Brogan v. United Kingdom
(d) Lengens v. Austria.
11. In which year U.N. Commission on Human Rights, which has been replaced by Human Rights Council, was established?
(a) 1945
(b) 2006
(c) 1946
(d) 2005.
12. In which case section 309 of Indian Penal Code was declared constitutional?
(a) Gian Kaur v. State of Punjab
(b) Bachan Singh v. Union of India
(c) Ansari v. Union of India
(d) P. Rathinam v. Union of India
13. A finds B’s purse and gives it to him. B promises to give A Rs. 50.
(a) This is a valid contract
(b) This is void contract
(c) This is no contract at all
(d) This is a voidable contract.
14. The case of Bangalore Medical Trust v. B.S. Muddapa, 1991 SC related to:
(a) Medical negligence in the hospital
(b) Reservation of seats in medical colleges
(c) Throwing the hospital waste into the river
(d) Converting a public park into a nursing home.
15. ‘Pigeon-hole theory7 of tort was given by:
(a) Salmond
(b) Pullock
(c) Winfield
(d) Anson.
16. Under section 125 Cr. PC., the Magistrate of the first class may, in certain circumstances, order for maintenance of wives, children and parents, monthly allowance at such monthly rates:
(a) not exceeding five hundred rupees in the whole
(b) not exceeding two thousand five hundred rupees in the whole
(c) as such Magistrate thinks fit
(d) not exceeding fifteen hundred rupees in the whole.
17. A causes Z to go within a walled space and locks Z in. A has committed the offence of:
(a) Force
(b) Wrongful restraint
(c) Criminal force
(d) Wrongful confinement.
18. Fraud was defined in a well-known English case:
(a) Turner v. Green
(b) Wath v. O’Flanagan
(c) Ashby v. White
(d) Derry v. Peek.
19. Which one of the following is not a principal Organ of UNO?
(a) Trusteeship Council
(b) International Court of Justice
(c) Economic and Social Council
(d) International Criminal Court.
20. A directs B, his solicitor, to sell his estate by auction, and to employ a auctioneer for the purpose. B names C, an auctioneer, to conduct the sale.
(a) C is not a sub-agent, but is A’s agent for the conduct of the sale.
(b) C is neither agent nor sub-agent of A
(c) C is only a sub-agent of A
(d) It is the options of A to treat C either agent or sub-agent.
21. Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 is based on:
(a) Shah Committee Report
(b) Verma Committee Report
(c) Malimath Committee Report
(d) Mehta Committee Report.
22. The defendant Board had the statutory power to repair sea walls but was under no duty to do so. A high tide broke the sea wall and flooded the plaintiff’s land. The Board sent an inexperienced man with poor equipment and the repair work took almost six months to complete. It was proved that with reasonable skill it could have been completed in about two weeks. The defendant is:
(a) Liable in negligence as they should have sent an experienced man with proper equipment to do the work.
(b) Not liable in negligence as they have done whatever they could have done under the circumstances.
(c) Liable in negligence as they had a legal duty to take care towards the plaintiff and committed its breach.
(d) Not liable in negligence as they owed no legal duty to take care towards the plaintiff.
23. The Montreal Protocol, 1987 (Ozone Treaty) came into force with effect from:
(a) January, 1988
(b) January, 1989
(c) January, 2001
(d) January, 1987.
24. The maxim de minimus non curat lex means:
(a) Law would not take action on small and trifling matter
(b) Law ignores action done by persons of unsound mind
(c) Law ignores actions done by minor
(d) Law does not ignore any act done by anyone.
25. When the defendant by his act creates an apprehension in the mind of the plaintiff that he is going to commit battery against the plaintiff:
(a) the wrong of assault is completed
(b) no wrong is committed
(c) the wrong of assault is not completed
(d) the wrong of assault may be completed.
26. The concept of absolute liability was developed by the Supreme Court of India in M.C. Mehta v. Union of India, the judgment of which was delivered by:
(a) Justice Chandrachud
(b) Justice Krishna Iyer
(c) Justice Kuldip Singh
(d) Justice Bhagwati.
27. A, a man enfeebled by disease or age, is induced by B’s influence over him as his medical attendant, to agree to pay B an unreasonable sum for his professional services, B employs:
(a) misrepresentation
(b) undue influence
(c) coercion
(d) fraud.
28. In which case, the Supreme Court of India issued guidelines for preventing custodial violence?
(a) Parmanand Katra v. Union of India, (1989 SC)
(b) Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, (1978 SC)
(c) PUCL v. Union of India, (1997 SC)
(d) D.K. Basu v. State of West Bengal, (1997 SC).
29. What is the status of ‘juristic opinion’ as a source of law?
(a) Subsidiary source
(b) Not a source at all
(c) Primary source
(d) Primary or secondary in view of circumstances of each case.
30. A agrees with B to discover treasure by magic. The agreement is:
(a) valid
(b) voidable
(c) void
(d) both void and voidable.
31. The authorities must anticipate, prevent and attack the causes of environment degradation’. The above statement is a part of:
(a) Inter-generation equality of Sustainable Development
(b) Obligation to assist and cooperate
(c) The Precautionary Principle of Sustainable Development
(d) Polluter Pays Principle of Sustainable Development.
32. A, by instigation, voluntarily causes B, a person under 18 years of age to commit suicide. A has committed:
(a) abetment to murder
(b) murder
(c) no offence
(d) culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
33. The New Chapter VI-A, which deals with various aspects of forfeiture of property derived from illegal hunting and trade, was added in the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, in the year:
(a) 2002
(b) 2016
(c) 2000
(d) 2006.
34. The term tort has been derived from the Latin term ‘tortum’, which means:
(a) wrong
(b) damages
(c) to twist
(d) civil wrong.
35. Which article of the Constitution puts a Fundamental Duty on the citizens to protect and improve national environment?
(a) Article 51A(g)
(b) Article 21
(c) Article 48A
(d) Article 51A(e).
36. The UN Economic and Social Council consists of:
(a) 34 member States
(b) 60 member States
(c) 54 member States
(d) 44 member States.
37. An agreement not enforceable by law is:
(a) valid
(b) void
(c) voidable
(d) a contract.
38. Which section of Cr. P.C. gives power to the appropriate Government to commute Sentence?
(a) Section 431
(b) Section 431A
(c) Section 433
(d) Section 433A.
39. Right to marry is recognized under which provision of Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
(a) Article 18
(b) Article 16
(c) Article 17
(d) Article 15.
40. Who among the following Jurists has been called as father of Modern Law of Nation by Oppenheim?
(a) Kelson
(b) Starke
(c) Grotius
(d) Fenwick.
41. The case of Donoghue v. Stevenson was decided by the:
(a) House of Lords
(b) Australian Supreme Court
(c) European Court of Human Rights
(d) US Supreme Court.
42. Agreement in restraint of marriage is:
(a) voidable
(b) wagering contract
(c) void
(d) valid.
43. Punishment for kidnapping as provided under Indian Penal Code is:
(a) Imprisonment for life
(b) Imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine
(c) Imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine
(d) Imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to five years, and shall also be liable to fine.
44. Ashby v. White is a leading decision explaining the maxim of:
(a) Neither Injuria sine damno nor Damnum sine injuria
(b) Injuria sine damno as well as Damnum sine injuria
(c) Damnum sine injuria
(d) Injuria sine damno.
45. For the application of the defence of voluntinot fit injuria it is sufficient if:
(a) the plaintiff knew that the risk is there and he knowing the same, agreed to suffer the harm.
(b) the plaintiff agreed to suffer the harm
(c) the plaintiff either know that the risk is there or he agreed to suffer the harm voluntarily
(d) the plaintiff knew that the risk is there.
46. A and B jointly owe 100 rupees to C, A alone pays the amount to C, and B not knowing the fact, pays 100 rupees over again to C.
(a) C is not bound to repay the amount to A or B
(b) C is bound to repay the amount to B
(c) C is bound to repay the amount to both A and B
(d) C is bound to repay the amount to A.
47. Who said that ‘Acceptance is to offer what a lighted match is to gun powder. Both do something which cannot be undone’?
(a) Anson
(b) Justice Atkin
(c) Mulla
(d) Avtar Singh.
48. Which section of Cr. P.C. provides that ‘Any person accused of an offence before a Criminal Court, or against whom proceedings are instituted under this Code, may of right be defended by a pleader of his choice’?
(a) Section 302
(b) Section 301
(c) Section 305
(d) Section 303.
49. Which of the following defences are available to an action for defamation?
(a) Justification or truth, fair comments as well as privilege, which may be either absolute or qualified
(b) Fair comments
(c) Justification or truth
(d) Privilege, which may be either absolute or qualified.
50. The threat of suicide amounts to:
(a) coercion
(b) undue influence
(c) misrepresentation
(d) fraud.
- Updated as per latest CLAT PG pattern
- Overall there are 300+ comprehension passages - with 2350+ questions
- 100 passages are provided as stand-alone mini mock tests
- 120 passages are combined to form 10 full-length mock tests
- 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 (New Pattern) Question papers included as mock tests
- Answers include the reason or 'rationale' for better understanding
- Order of the questions and answer choices are shuffled in every attempt for better practice
- The passages are of various lengths and complexities for better practice
- Unlimited access & practice - valid for one year from date of purchase
- Accessible 24 x 7 via Smart-Phone browsers and Desktops
- More the 100 LawMint users were selected by various top NLUs in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 - Including NLSIU, NALSAR, NLU-J, WBNUJS
- Our users were also selected for the IIT KGP LLM, NLU Delhi (AILET PG) & DU LLM programs
Also included in the pack : (Useful for non-CLAT LLM entrance exams) :
- 11 CLAT PG old pattern previous Papers - 2009 to 2019 (as mock tests)
- 50 full-length old MCQ format mock tests (100 questions each)
- 50 old pattern MCQ mini-mock tests (25 questions each)
- Summarized overview of Important Jurisprudence topics (For Subjective & Objective questions)
- Overview of all Constitutional Amendments
- All Tests & Previous Papers are timed and have Negative marking for realistic simulation
- Questions & Answer Choices randomly shuffled in every attempt for better practice

Authentic Feedback from previous LawMint users :
I got AIR 21 in CLAT PG. Thank you so much. Your mocks helped me a lot in my preparation 🙂 - Ayushi Jain
I have subscribed to your CLAT PG program and got AIR 36 in this year CLAT PG. I have also secured AIR 54 in AILET PG exam. I would like to thank you. Your mock paper really helps a lot - Shrashank Tripathi
I would like to thank you for the CLAT PG LLM COURSE. Practising mock tests there helped me in getting confidence and hence I was able to get AIR 45 in CLAT PG LLM - Akshay Awasthi
A year back, I relied on the IIT Kharagpur RGSOIPL mock test series by LawMint to prepare for my RGSOIPL entrance test. Few months back, I relied on your UGC NET Law series to prepare for UGC NET. I was the topper of the RGSOIPL entrance, and have cracked JRF in UGC NET. All thanks to LawMint - Anshuman Sahoo
"I got AIR 18 in CLAT PG and General Category rank 28 in AILET PG. I want to thank you for helping me practice well in controlled conditions from any place. It gave me a lot of confidence and I took the tests while travelling too. I also made it to IIT Kharagpur." - Vinodharani
"Lawmint has been of great help to me in securing AIR 25 in AILET PG and AIR 29 in CLAT PG examinations. The subjective and objective approach of the test series kept me up to date with the latest exam pattern." - Bhawna Nanda
"I, Nimmy Saira Zachariah joined you clat test series. I cleared AILET PG with 30th rank. Your test series were of immense help as it gave me clear idea of where my preparations stand thank you once again law mint." - Nimmy S Z
"Hey guys. Where do I start? If I thought that getting AIR 59 in Clat PG was it, then how wrong I was. With Lawmint now I have cracked UGC NET as well." - Joyanta Chakraborty